▼IGNETTED. ❝ keep calm and be inspired ❞   |   about  ·   twitter   ·   tumblr  ·   facebook   · · follow

hello there,
This is Chearmin, she's an 19yo girl happily breathing Singapore's air. She is now studying Diploma in Visual Communication (which is NOT Mass Comm), a course all about graphic design, illustrations & photography. A crazy cat lady who adores cats (duh.), her eyes glimmer upon spotting beautiful things e.g. cameras & vintage items. & she definitely loves Jesus. † she absolutely love getting crafty & all, because it makes her happy. she wants to get lost in a surreal world and be eaten by her eccentric thoughts. would you care to join her for a cup of tea in the middle of the forest?

go ahead, follow me ♥

1. SX-70 Polaroid Camera
2. Blackbird Fly
3. Lomography Fisheye 2/ Sprocket Rocket
4. Boots/Creepers
5. Prime lens for DSLR
6. Trip out of Singapore (anywhere please)

inspirations ♥
God. my fat pig kitty. beautiful nature. skies. light. silhouettes. cats. vintage items. skulls. cameras. photography. doodling/drawing. awesome & nice people. inspiring & pretty magazines. indie/vintage stores. hope.


Thanks for popping by, and I really appreciate any comments & feedbacks! ♥ Enjoy your stay!

Layout made by tkh.

  Missed chances and untold feelings.

Here's to all the words and feelings I should have expressed on Tuesday, unfortunately, the gastric problems have to act up again, and in the end I had to skip school to recuperate. And let's all sigh together in commemoration of the regret! - loud sigh -



Well, what the hell. How did I even come to the end of Year 1?!
It felt like nothing, almost like an instant snap of the fingers, and ta-dah, "I'm gonna be a Year 2 in 2 months' time, after the vacation".

To be honest, Idk if I'm up to the Year 2 standard, because seriously, I thought I was just average, in terms of competency and technical skills. Sure, everyone thinks they are average, but weighing yourself with your other peers, you realise that you are not even up to the benchmark yet. And that is really saddening, 'cos soon, you find out that you're struggling behind the assignments and always rushing through the submissions, etc.
All because of poor competency. Sometimes I wish I was the kind of person who could come up with 5 brilliant and original concepts within 15 minutes and not be me, who could only think of 3 - 5 cliche or rather common concepts, in a timespan of what, 30 minutes?

Then again, I am also grateful that I had the extra strand of talent to draw better than some of my peers. :)

I remember stepping into the school, being a fresh Art graduate from O levels, and still having that "fine arts" gene in me. The first 2 months were really tough for me, since I had to adapt from ART to DESIGN. And really, ART AND DESIGN ARE SO DIFFERENT. And I'm glad I chose Design, simply because design helps to serve people and purposes, where else art is usually done out of self-expression or abstract ideas, without much intention to contribute to the society.

Then, I have no idea how I matured from solely thinking in the surrealist mindset (yes, surrealism was my kind of art back then ;) ), and slowly tweak my mind to think in a more practical and logical way! Of course, we can't lose the elements of art!

Being a slow (literally too, my time management is still quite bad) learner, I usually would take a longer time to process through information! And I hate this, but I'm not really creative :( I have no idea where my creative juices went to... Sigh!

And suddenly, we were into our last module - Publication Design. I must say that Prepress and Pub Design were my most favourite modules out of the whole year! :) Seems like I really like doing technical and hands-on stuff (I have the crafty fingers!) :)

Let's not talk about academic stuff!


I honestly have not seen such a split-yet-bonded class before! I didn't really have such bonded classes before, so this was pretty much the first class I had that was so bonded! Despite cliques forming after the 2nd semester, and so on, when we had to come together as a class, WE DO. 

And I'm so thankful for such a wonderful, warm, loving and humourous class! C'mon, who the hell would roll on the carpeted floor of the studio and start making weird animal sounds like "Nyaaaaaaaaa", or greet you with "Erp, erp, erp"? Best thing of all, we even had two "maids" to take care of us! 

What more could you ask for from this class? Nothing! Except maybe some brain cell transfer surgery between me and Shannon/Danielle. HAHA 'cos they are so friggin genius and creative!

Also, having really awesome Kakis because they are really awesome! We play and we work too, even though it might be a really large group (we are technically the non-clique gang which includes all of our classmates unless they don't want to join us), and surely, people would go into little groups, I really love how we have birthday surprises for one another, helped each other out, cheer a person up when he/she's feeling really down, etc.

And thank God we don't have annoying bitches in the class. YAY :D

So, to all my classmates, I wish nothing but the best for you, too~
Don't forget me guys! :)
Work hard towards your majors, whether you are taking Photography, or GD (there's still Branding and Illustration!), and remember to play hard too! Don't be a design nerd, go out and explore the world! :)

Year 1 was a year full of new experiences, from being involved in Design Studies Club to taking the chance to work on a design competition (collaborated with JingQing, my twinnie!), participating as both a Creative and Group Leader in DOC 12/13, meeting so many new and really awesome people (for example, my classmates, DSC peeps, DOC Zaagor + Creative, and also the PID peeps! :D).

I'm really blessed overall, to have a wonderful academic year!
Let's work harder for Year 2, and set new visions and goals for the new academic year ahead! :)

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