▼IGNETTED. ❝ keep calm and be inspired ❞   |   about  ·   twitter   ·   tumblr  ·   facebook   · · follow

hello there,
This is Chearmin, she's an 19yo girl happily breathing Singapore's air. She is now studying Diploma in Visual Communication (which is NOT Mass Comm), a course all about graphic design, illustrations & photography. A crazy cat lady who adores cats (duh.), her eyes glimmer upon spotting beautiful things e.g. cameras & vintage items. & she definitely loves Jesus. † she absolutely love getting crafty & all, because it makes her happy. she wants to get lost in a surreal world and be eaten by her eccentric thoughts. would you care to join her for a cup of tea in the middle of the forest?

go ahead, follow me ♥

1. SX-70 Polaroid Camera
2. Blackbird Fly
3. Lomography Fisheye 2/ Sprocket Rocket
4. Boots/Creepers
5. Prime lens for DSLR
6. Trip out of Singapore (anywhere please)

inspirations ♥
God. my fat pig kitty. beautiful nature. skies. light. silhouettes. cats. vintage items. skulls. cameras. photography. doodling/drawing. awesome & nice people. inspiring & pretty magazines. indie/vintage stores. hope.


Thanks for popping by, and I really appreciate any comments & feedbacks! ♥ Enjoy your stay!

Layout made by tkh.

  Back from hibernation.
I apologise for the sudden MIA... have been really tight on schedules and I have not realised that my last post was horrifyingly long ago.

Well, 3 months have passed since then, and so many things have happened, so many that I don't even know where to start from. Alright, let's talk about December.

1) December.

December was a great month overall, and I was glad to have the privilege to utilize my camera quite often (Yay!), as I shoot for my church's Christmas Service and also to document the wonderful #FreeIceCreamMovement by #FreeMovement, an initiative led by Isaac Ong and other God's wonderful warriors! It was truly a month of opportunities and miracles.

2) January.

January started out great (since I have a lovely countdown with the loveliest dude on earth and our mutual friends aka his Secondary 1 class friends). You couldn't believe the number of couples we had when we went for the countdown together. It was hilarious because the single dudes were kinda pairing themselves with other #foreveralone dudes; but at the same time, it was heartwarming to see the cutest and compatible pair to be together finally, or the unexpected ones to actually BE together. Love really does wonders to us.

Well, then things went downhill... let's not talk about school. It was kinda horrible, I wouldn't even want to remember the sucky submissions I have done. Halfway through January, I was faced with the worst news of my life: that my 'used-to-be' (my biggest regret yet) duper close bro/friend passed away so unexpectedly. His death certainly brought sudden shock and shudders to me. When I first confirmed the news in Twitter, I literally froze. For about 5 minutes. Then, life struck me hard in my brain, telling me that "Well, it's time to really accept the truth". I lost control of my tears, and eventually cried so damn hard for the next few days.

Despite the really unfortunate incident, we all had great support. Our AHS batch mates came together as a team, as a family, to tell each other to stay strong, to encourage one another, to reminisce about our old days (with him, if we had a shared experience). We smiled, we hugged, we cried, we watched him burn.

The most saddening moment of the whole wake was during the cremation. As we watched his casket inch closer to the furnace, our shouts and sobbings grew louder, almost as if we were trying to summon his soul back. I think even the strongest soul that endured through the sour emotions also had to break down at the cremation ceremony.

I miss him and his smile so much. I wished that I had seized all the chances that I've missed. I wished I could have seen him again. It's so sad to know that you last saw the wonderful soul in Nov 2011, and bam - people suddenly tells you that he's gone to heaven in Jan 2013. I had so much words for him, but I guess we were all too late to express ourselves right in his face.

"Rest in peace, my dear brother. I love you, everyone loves you, and we all hope that you'll indeed find a better place higher above. The world's too full of negativity. Live well in your afterlife."

I couldn't really remember what happened after this major incident, except that I was really being a shitty student in school towards the later half of January and was partially the culprit to making our lecturer leave his final lesson with us on a really bad note. Sigh.

3) February.

Then again, February came in a little too quick for me to notice. Despite shitty days and moments (yet again, what's new, really?), I really am so grateful to Desmond for coming to my rescue on that day (something happened, but I'll keep it secret). I might have been kidnapped or catch a cold or die if I wasn't rescued. That day felt like a miracle. Till now, I can't really believe that one of my greatest wishes came true (of course, not in a really appropriate way).

Chinese New Year is here. Yay to good food and red packets. I had a 8-course gastronomical feast at Swatow Restaurant in Toa Payoh area. It was quite a good catch up session for the adults and elders, and I, being a glutton as usual, just sat there and ate all that I could. Glad to find out that my cousin is finally, FINALLY getting married. He has been a golden bachelor for too long! And of course, much to his embarrassment, he received his last red packet from my dad this afternoon. Haha!

Let's hope the next few days would be really fulfilling and inspiring. :)

Don't worry, be happy! 

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© Layout made by tkh/mk.