▼IGNETTED. ❝ keep calm and be inspired ❞   |   about  ·   twitter   ·   tumblr  ·   facebook   · · follow

hello there,
This is Chearmin, she's an 19yo girl happily breathing Singapore's air. She is now studying Diploma in Visual Communication (which is NOT Mass Comm), a course all about graphic design, illustrations & photography. A crazy cat lady who adores cats (duh.), her eyes glimmer upon spotting beautiful things e.g. cameras & vintage items. & she definitely loves Jesus. † she absolutely love getting crafty & all, because it makes her happy. she wants to get lost in a surreal world and be eaten by her eccentric thoughts. would you care to join her for a cup of tea in the middle of the forest?

go ahead, follow me ♥

1. SX-70 Polaroid Camera
2. Blackbird Fly
3. Lomography Fisheye 2/ Sprocket Rocket
4. Boots/Creepers
5. Prime lens for DSLR
6. Trip out of Singapore (anywhere please)

inspirations ♥
God. my fat pig kitty. beautiful nature. skies. light. silhouettes. cats. vintage items. skulls. cameras. photography. doodling/drawing. awesome & nice people. inspiring & pretty magazines. indie/vintage stores. hope.


Thanks for popping by, and I really appreciate any comments & feedbacks! ♥ Enjoy your stay!

Layout made by tkh.

I'm sorry the post title is really random, but I'm currently going cray over this new indie post-rock band called Mooncake.

They deliver really good and inspiring instrumental music. They sound different from MONO, of which the latter delivers harsher and more raw music (MONO is still damn awesome. I swear). Mooncake's music sorta gives me hope and makes me wander off into a field of lavenders and dreams. I would recommend Nine Billion Names, Rain in the Ashtray off their "Lagrange Points" album. I have yet to hear their other albums; currently searching for more of their songs on Youtube. (yes I'm a crazy Youtuber now, thanks to all these post-rock and beautiful music/budding song cover artists/short story videos/game walkthroughs & commentaries that keep me going.

Anyway, back to what I was supposed to blog about!
I felt really queasy in my tummy, must be due to the spoilt dinner I've consumed really late. :( I've learnt not to eat that late anymore. The pain was excruciating, I felt like it was x1000000000 the pain of menstrual cramps. Almost like a spirit was playing tricks on me; twisting my stomach like no one gives a damn.
So, I called in to report that I'm sick and skipped work. Sucks to see your > $60 flying away just 'cos of one damn stomach pain, but... it was a good rest. I managed to sleep in for another 3 hours before I wake up feeling sore in the back.

Decided to do up a DIY today!
I had this display photo frame laying around my room for quite a long while; the wrapping was really dusty! So why let it go to waste? Might as well just make it look more interesting and be a kind gift to someone special (must be a girl in this case 'cos of the pastel palette). :)

Quite glad with the change I've made! Like the overall feel to the frame, no longer a boring black! ;)

Materials used:

  • Wooden display photo frame / Daiso
  • Bobbin Lace / Daiso
  • Scrapbooking papers / UrbanWrite
  • Heart wooden pegs
  • Cut outs of plane & hot air balloon (partially hidden by the "Always remember" paper) / little thing magazine
  • "Always Remember" stamp / Paper Market
  • Hemp string / MUJI
  • Washi Masking Tape / Artfriend

Time taken: 1 - 2 hours
I took my time sourcing for the right images for the background, after all, it was a free and easy project with no deadline!

Crafts is so fun and wonderful. It's therapeutic too! Why don't you try out some crafts too? ;)
Here's some good websites I've collated!

  1. http://www.designsponge.com/: They cover all kinds of DIYs, from kitchen stuff to wall art to bags. I really love their DIYs database; IT'S BIG!
  2. http://ashleyannphotography.com/blog/: She has some really cute/feminine DIYs, plus, her posts are always so interesting with good photos of daily life, whether of her kids, her family or herself.
  3. http://photojojo.com/: DIYs related to photography; totally obvious from the website name! They can range from DIY filter masks for your film cameras, to how to do the perfect light painting, to printing out cute little polaroid shaped cards for your loved ones!
  4. http://mycalicoskies.blogspot.sg/: This blog is packed full of DIYs from the wonderful blogger, Lauren! Her DIYs are well-explained and also equipped with good and specific photos!
  5. http://psimadethis.com/: This blog is on fashion DIYs, on accessories, shoes, etc. If you're looking for DIYs to spice up that old heels or wanting to sport a unique and trendy bracelet, this blog is for you!

I have so many more to recommend, but I've got to go! I need my beauty sleep, xoxo!

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